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Consulting rhymes with Insulting, is it so?

Reading from a dilbert strip with funny lines like do a lot of con and insulting together will result in consulting.
Above line summarizes the business of consulting to take down the line  the negative notion about consultant because consultant are offering services they have with and not what client need or business requires.

So, what is a consultant?

A consultant is professional who plays different roles , who acts as a enabler, who has competence to attain knowledge  and skills to apply at business, who is a integrator, acts as a advisory and many acts who does for the client as a service provider which is billable.

So, skill of acting as a consultant is a consultant.

So, What is the business of consultant?
With the evolution of IT consulting business is now more competent and rapidly environment is making consultant job more challenging and useful to business.

So how does a consultant's career take start and a true consultant will function in practice. A consultant basically sells all the time, what ever comes to him from the client, consultant is basically selling. Consultant job is contextual , not a innovator of a product or altogether doing something new instead consultant is providing advisory to existing business or ideas. Being consultants one should organize, listen, orchestrate, articulate and focus on client needs and demands.

Consultants does not have any magic wand tool with them. Consultant are integral to the business provided client can really make out of them what they need.
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